
Editorial via Talenthouse

The International Canadian Fashion Showcase (ICFS) is launching a Creative Invite to find a designer to join The 2013 International Canadian Fashion Showcase on Sunday June 30th in Toronto.

With the support of adidas eyewear, ICFS producers are looking for another fashion designer to showcase their collection. The designer will be required to showcase at least 12 pieces at the upcoming show in Toronto, Canada.

This event is specifically designed to give both emerging and established designers a significant level of exposure. A wealth of designers from Canada, the Americas, the Caribbean, the UK and more will join this platform and the selected designer will be able to promote their collection in the presence of fashion industry decision makers, attending fashion press, buyers as well as consumers.

How to participate..

Designers are required to submit example work from an original designed collection

International Canadian Fashion Showcase's Choice

The Winner & or winners as chosen by the members of the ICFS board will have a chance to showcase @ the 2013 International Canadian Fashion Showcase Sun June 30th in Toronto Canada.

One winner will also receive $250 USD courtesy of adidas eyewear.

People's Choice

After reviewing the highest voted submissions, the host will select collaborator(s) who will receive a 2-month Premier profile placement on our many media pertners web siteslifestyles magazine & Direct Music TV America.

The highest voted participant will receive $100.

Get Involved
Submit by: May 24, 2013

Vote: May 25, 2013 10am PST - June 1, 2013 10am PST

Winner(s) Announced: June 7, 2013

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