Rebecca Moses, for the second year in a row, has collaborated with Carvico S.p.A. to create our prestigious color cards. The famous American designer has decided to push her research on color even farther with the aim to create two color cards, shine and opaque, which are intended to be natural evolution of the 2013 collection.
According to Rebecca the essence of color is variable, liquid and elusive; colors evolve in relation to even the smallest change in the environment they are set against, turning into something completely new. This is their magic, this is the power that allows them to live countless lives.
In our 2014 collection, color is the absolute protagonist, bringing always new stimuli to the eye, triggering new emotions and feelings.

Here is the magic trick: let shine marry opaque and obtain Carvico amazing matt and shiny color cards. Colors are not meant to be studied individually, we don’t want to look at them from a flat, on-its-own point of view. It is the play of shine with opaque or the match of several tonalities and textures which gives an enormous newness to even the most classical surfaces and makes color evolve towards their tridimensional state: “opaque marries shine”.

When we think of primaries we usually think of red, blue and yellow; however primaries might be redefined as well by matching them with unexpected neutral tones or other primaries; we shall play with them, bending rules, fighting stereotypes, letting our fantasy run free. These colours have to be studied starting from their roots, so that they evolve from their primal state; by playing with them we can push even the most classic icons to transform, turn into something completely new which might trigger new emotions and work as a new stimulus without giving up any of the purity which is their main feature: the clarity of primaries is their strength and their amazing beauty.

Black and white can build the co-dependency relationship par excellence: they work together in a way which makes them rely on each other. Despite this, there are other co-dependency relationships which can make Mare di Moda - Cannes - 2012 colors evolve to give origin to new “Almost” shades. For instance, we can think of a charcoal blue and put it near a pale, ivory pink or think of a pastel yellow against some shades of gray: what we create is an unexpectedly romantic atmosphere. What we have here is an exciting concept which allows us to create a whole new collection starting from two colors building a solid co-dependency relationship.

The concept of the Almost Colors is really interesting since the secret of our new Almost, so rich in charm and beauty, lies in their ability to turn into something completely new according to what they are put next to, creating new and unusual color effects.

Despite its absolute leadership in fashion, according to Carvico, black was to be studied and analyzed with the aim of revealing its 3D nature. So we wondered how we could make black look more modern and we managed to re-energize it by matching black with pale pink or light blue, generating a new sense of sweetness and sensuality… and even the most aggressive of colors becomes soft and sweet. A timeless champion both in swimwear, activewear and fashion, black will therefore take on a totally new and exciting light.

Starting from a thorough research into the underwater life of sea urchins, corals and shells, we have created an incredibly powerful color range. It is amazing to see how they can change by simply moving from inside to outside water and it is really interesting to look at this evolution together with the surprising shapes of corals and sea urchins.

Blue is now living a really interesting moment and it has got the chance of reasserting itself in a more sophisticated and refined way. Thanks to several, unusual marriages with other colors, the classic navy blue gains a new creative power: the power of working as a stimulus for the eye. The contamination between blues and greens, gives origin to new, even more interesting and sophisticated nuances, which are bound to be the next big think the swimwear, sportswear and underwear.

This mood gives us the chance to reconsider our idea of what “Pretty” means, to create a new world which doesn’t actually need to be always perfect, sweet and “sappy”. The colour range in this mood is made of soft and pale shades, with the unexpected addition of a neon touch which makes them brighter, more interesting, modern and intriguing. In the “New Pretty” universe, blue is the new “blonde” and blue jeans become pink.